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End of A Spark

Okay I lied in my very post.. after six weeks in a summer studio course, NOW I'm officially done my first year of university - nuts!!! I've spent the last 10 months studying, working, stressing, and everything else in between. And as of 5:00pm today after my final critique, I'm free! I say that with enthusiasm, but I really loved this school year. Although, it is nice to not have that small ticking time bomb in the back of my head telling me there's something to do before it explodes and then that assignment is left incomplete.

First year of university in one word: GROWTH. I know I've said it, and I'll say it again.. but the past school year has been probably been the best one of my life simply because so much has happened and I continue to learn something new everyday. I've always been that weird student that actually enjoys learning new things. At times it is challenging - very challenging - when I'm pushed to think harder, be more creative, cram more things in my head, and so on.. but now I'm looking back on how much knowledge I've actually gained in the past ten months and I'm like wow, good job brain. Any student would agree with me when I say that school is a countdown; even if you notice yourself doing it or not.. "two more days 'till the weekend," or "three weeks 'till Christmas break," or "just one month left of school 'till summer!" Although I should plead guilty, this past year I tried really hard to not make life a countdown. Life is waaaay too short to be wishing the days away. As painful as it was, I did my best to look at every quiz, every project, every critique as a learning opportunity and actually appreciate school.. after all, I am paying to go to class so may as well learn something! Like Ferris Bueller says, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." Chicka chick ahh

There are so many "what-ifs" I ask myself but I wouldn't change a thing. For instance, What if I chose Ryerson over Concordia? I would never experience a new culture and the incredible city that is Montreal. What if I did not live in residence in my first year? I would have never met some people I'm lucky to call my best friends today. What if I continued playing varsity hockey throughout university? I probably would not be as confident and as successful in my school work. You get the point. I shouldn't say I've necessarily changed as a person, but I've definitely grown as a person, a student and as an artist a heck of a lot. I have a lot more learning to do as well, it's far from over - but I'm so thankful this year has taught me that school is only there to help me succeed, not to hinder my growth even if that's hard to realize in the moment. I'm slowly trying to allow the space in between where I am and where I want to be inspire me, and not terrify me.

The 10 images above are apart of a photo series I did for one of my classes called, "What Are You Looking At?" where the subject and viewer are tasked to figure out this question. As the artist travels to scenic locations to paint the scene, the pattern of her shirt decides otherwise. I would never been able to carry out this weird idea sitting in my brain without the vast things I have learned this year, so thanks Concordia! See you in September.

- R

PS. If you would like to purchase any of those prints, don't be afraid to shoot me an email or text :-)

PSS. Yes, the title of this post is in reference to Tokyo Police Club

If you wanna talk business go here:​

If you just wanna see some cool photos go here:

Or if you wanna read my thoughts in less than 140 characters go here:

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